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Các chủ đề đào tạo bao gồm Điều trị tổng hợp đối với các rối loạn sức khỏe tâm thần và sử dụng chất gây nghiện xảy ra đồng thời, Phỏng vấn tạo động lực, Trị liệu hành vi nhận thức, Chăm sóc sau chấn thương và nhiều chủ đề khác.

Những khóa đào tạo này miễn phí dành cho Nhân viên Y tế RADIAS. Nếu bạn không phải là nhân viên của RADIAS Health – vui lòng nhấp vào đây và sử dụng các biểu mẫu này để đăng ký tham gia khóa đào tạo.

Events in March 2025

  • Civil Commitment Court

    Civil Commitment Court

    March 4, 2025

     Click Here to Register for this Virtual Training

    Trainer: Julie Duncan MA, LP & Kellie Geisler, MA, LPCC

    This training will provide an overview of the civil commitment process with a focus on the case manager's role. We will review the steps leading up to commitment, the types of petitions, and what happens after someone is civilly committed.  We will explain reporting requirements and revocations.



      • Learn steps to commitment process


      • Understand criteria for commitment and revocation


      • Understand types of petitions and orders


      • Learn reporting requirements and how to accurately prepare for the court


     Click Here to Register for this Virtual Training

    Virtual Location
  • Crisis Intervention and De-escalation: Being Effective while Keeping Yourself Safe

    Crisis Intervention and De-escalation: Being Effective while Keeping Yourself Safe

    March 10, 2025

    Registration for this training is closed.

    Crisis Intervention and De-escalation:  Being Effective while Keeping Yourself Safe 

    Trainers: Josie Mattheis-McGeehan, MSW, LICSW, Amy Valenziano-Jones, MSW, LICSW

    Length: 8 hours 

    Participant limit: 15 


    This training will provide an overview of crisis prevention, intervention, and de-escalation strategies through early intervention and nonphysical methods for preventing and managing individuals experiencing a crisis. The course will include discussion of: the crisis development model, staff's attitudes and approaches, non-verbal communication, verbal intervention, precipitating factors of a crisis, importance of developing rapport and knowing clients' history, environmental assessment, rational detachment, and follow up after a crisis. Staff will also learn personal safety techniques in the event a strike or grab occurs during a crisis situation. A post-test will be given to all participants at the end of this training.  

    Josie has worked for RADIAS Health since 2011.  Josie's roles within RADIAS Health is primarily within the RSS program.  After holding a CLMHP position in RSS, she became a program manager and oversees five houses.  Josie is certified as a Crisis Intervention and De-escalation trainer though CPI.  She has been conducting this training for 7 years. 

    Amy has worked for RADIAS health since 2005 in various positions throughout the agency including RSS, ACT, and the outpatient clinic. Amy is currently the RSS Program Director. She is certified as a Crisis Intervention and De-escalation trainer through CPI  and has being conducting the RADIAS Health Crisis intervention and De-escalation training since 2005.  


    Registration for this training is closed.

    RADIAS Main Office Conference Room 3.30
    166 4th Street Suite 200
    St. Paul, MN 55101
    (651) 291-1979
  • Mental Illness 101

    Mental Illness 101

    March 11, 2025

    Click Here to Register for this Virtual Training

    Trainer: Ben Blanchette  

    Length: 3.0 training hours 


    This course will give participants an overview of diagnoses most commonly seen in working with individuals who get services from RADIAS Health.  Participants will be able to describe the diagnosis system and will be able to identify symptoms of mental illness. If you are new to the field, or want a refresher on things you may have forgotten in college or grad school, this course if for you! 


      • Participants will learn about mental health diagnoses and symptoms as presented in DSM 5 


      • Participants will reflect on the stigma of mental illness and its interplay for people we serve 


      • Participants will discuss mental illness in the framework of cultural, social, political and racial perspectives 




      • Participants will work on maintaining empathy for the people we serve in order to reduce stress and compassion fatigue 


    Click Here to Register for this Virtual Training


    Virtual Location
  • Applied DBT Skills

    Applied DBT Skills

    March 26, 2025

     Click Here to Register for this Virtual Training

    Trainer: Laura Lynett, LPCC, DBT-Linehan Board of Certification, Certified Clinician


    This course will highlight several of the skills taught in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. We will follow a fictional client throughout the training and participant will discuss ways this client can utilize the skills discussed. It is recommended that participants take the Introduction to Borderline Personality Disorder and DBT training or have a basic understanding of Borderline Personality Disorder and DBT prior to taking this training.


    Participants will be able to name the skills training modules used in DBT

    Participants will have a basic understanding of the types of skills taught in DBT

    Participants will be able to provide basic coaching around skill use

    Participants will be able to practice skill use and coaching during the training

     Click Here to Register for this Virtual Training


    Virtual Location

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